4 People very happy with Colloidal Silver use on Acne

4 People very happy with Colloidal Silver use on Acne

Acne is a problem for many and unfortunately, there’s often a stigma attached to having spots too.

Acne can cause self-esteem issues and can make people feel depressed, anxious and overwhelmed.

Is there a natural way to treat acne? Colloidal silver is known for its antibacterial properties and may help…

Active Silver have produced a product called ‘Hit the Spot’ that has been specifically designed to aid in the battle against spots and acne.

Check out these 4 reviews from happy Hit the Spot customers:

"I had teenage acne followed by adult acne. I've been prescribed antibiotics as well as 4 courses of roaccutane/isotretinoin over a number of years and for various periods of time. This product works better than any of those (for me) I'm less than a week into using it and the changes to my skin are fantastic. I would highly, highly, highly, recommend this!" - Anonymous

"It is early days, but the difference to my daughter and to my skin in such a short space of time is incredible! It feels like finally I have found something that will help my awful spots - I thought that by the age of 40 I would not be struggling with spots!! I have tried every antibiotic cream going and it has impacted on my confidence. I will continue to use the products and write another review! Thank you so much." - Jane A

"I rang you weeks ago to have a chat about my daughter’s outbreaks and one of the products you suggested she tried was the Hit the Spot. Miraculous.......! Nothing has worked as quickly and as thoroughly! Thankyou." - Kathryn

"Amazing product. I've had ongoing problems with outbreak of spots around my chin and neck area. Only applied it once and they disappeared. Couldn't believe it. Can't recommend this enough." - Anonymous

Hit The Spot is very gentle on skin and clears up blemishes fast! A gentle, natural, effective remedy to use at the first sign of a spot! The natural ingredients work to purify, as well as maintain hydration and balance.

Spots often develop when there’s a build-up of oil or bacteria, causing the skin around the pore to turn red, swollen and sore. Zinc may help control the inflammatory response and regulate cell production and turnover which can also help prevent scarring. Zinc can help reduce the amount of natural oil skin produces, and it may prevent pores from clogging in the first place.

Zinc gives it an unusual paste-like consistency and can often make the ingredients separate, so just mix it with a cotton bud or add a small amount of colloidal silver or magic gel if it starts to dry out.