Certifications & Testing

We place honesty and integrity at our core, and believe in transparency in everything we do. Making sure we have up-to-date testing and certifications for our products is fundamental, so please click here to see our latest reports.

Material Data Safety Sheets

Please click on the relevant ingredient to see the Material Data Safety Sheets for the Colloidal Silver and Colloidal Gold that we manufacture.

Ethical considerations

Our products are PETA certified as vegan friendly, absolutely not tested on animals, and are packaged in recyclable bottles and jars.


When manufacturing our Colloidal Silver, we use the highest grade European Pharmaceutical pure water available. This water conforms to European Pharmacopoeia (EP) and British Pharmacopoeia (BP) Health technical memorandums HTM 20-30/HTM 01-05, British Standard BS-EN 13060, and is also used in organisations from Dental Practices to Blue Chip organisations and laboratories.

The process used to purify the European Pharmaceutical Grade Water is as follows: Common tap water is firstly passed through a softening process, and then contaminants and organic material are removed using reverse osmosis. The water is then passed through a twin bed deioniser which removes the cat ions and the an ions, by now the water is typically < 1ms/cm. In the final stages of purification a .2 micron filter will remove any remaining bacteria, and UV treatment removes any remaining traces of micro organisms.

Each batch is independently tested and certificated by a leading third party UKAS accredited, GMP licensed, analytical testing laboratory, as well as being strictly monitored onsite. 


Please click here for information about the preparation of Aloe Vera.

Trading Standards & MHRA

We have worked with both bodies to ensure our products are advertised correctly.