Like with anything in life, nature seeks to be balanced or neutral. In our bodies there are good and bad bacteria. A good bacteria helps our body function and is well balanced, having equal amounts of positive and negative electrical charges (ions). Bad bacteria is out of balance because it has more negative than positive ions.
The silver particles in our Colloidal Silver are positively charged. Once ingested or coming into contact with skin, the positively charged Colloidal Silver is then attracted to and seeks out the spare negative ions in bad bacteria (like a magnet). The Colloidal Silver rips the negative electrons away from the bad bacteria which makes it collapse, suffocate and die. It is then cleared out of the body by the immune, lymphatic and elimination systems.
The good thing about this process is that the bad bacteria can’t build up a resistance to the Colloidal Silver. Also, assuming the right concentration has been taken, the Colloidal Silver is absorbed rapidly into the upper gastrointestinal tract, leaving very little or none to interact with the beneficial ‘good’ bacteria in our intestines which are needed for our body to function effectively.
People are building resistance to modern antibiotics and also these antibiotics kill the friendly bacteria we need in our gut, which is why more people are turning to Colloidal Silver. Interestingly Colloidal Silver actually helps to enhance the effectiveness of antibiotics too (read more).
Colloidal Silver is non-toxic and safe for humans, reptiles, animals, plants and all multi-celled living matter.