Athletes Foot

Magic Gel can be used directly onto the skin or put onto a bandage over night. Use regularly (4 times a day and at night) until you see improvements.
For relevant products, please visit our Athletes Foot collection page.

AMAZING. "My teenage son's athletes foot got so bad it spread all across his foot. This cured it in days after we'd tried everything." Amanda


“Into my second tub now, and it seems to be the best treatment yet that I've had for athlete's foot, not completely cured, but no other product has given me such effecting and durable relief.“ John


"I used this on my sons feet. They keep peeling and I have tried so many things that have never really cleared it up. Literally used this for 3  days and it is gone completely. I also used it on a cooking fat burn on my face and it cooled it and it cleared up quickly with no scarring. Amaxing. Will never be without it." Suzanne C


 "I have recently had some problems with Athlete's Foot and started using the Active Silver Gel Spray and it has completely cleared it up in a week, I couldn't be more pleased. Well done to Active Silver." S- Campbell


"I think Active Silver is a fabulous natural product! I used it recently to treat my Athletes Foot and it went over night! I was very impressed! All I did was soak a cotton pad with Active Silver and taped it to the affected area and left the bandage on over night. My daughther has also used it on blemishes on her face and it’s clearer those up too!" Diana E.
