Animal Eyes

Colloidal Silver Magic Eye Drops 1-2 drops up to 4 times a day can help to prevent, and also help resolve eye infections or soreness.
For relevant products, please visit our Animal Ears and Eyes collection page.

"I bought the drops for my dog who had an infection in her eye I used them twice a day for 2 weeks and they cleared it up with no problems." Lorraine B
"I used this on my cat who is 16 and has eye problems! Saved me pounds at the vets though I do know when I need to take him to the vets too!" Amanda C

"I bought the Active Silver Magic Eye Drops for our dog, a 19-year old Westie. He's lost one eye through a corneal ulcer caused by dry-eye. The one sort-of-good eye is not the best often with "gunk" and prone to infection. Being half-blind and half-deaf his nose has to be in everything, including all the dust of the street. So I bought the Magic Eye Drops in the hope that they would work better than the vet's products. About the same time, in November, he wiped his face across the carpet to rub his eye and the upper lid came up inflamed and swollen. Antibiotic cream for the eye lid. A week later when I took him back for a check-up, the remarked that the eyeball looked the cleanest and healthiest that it has for some time. Even what may have made a potential ulcer had disappeared. In my belief this is down to the Active-Silver. Bless his little heart." Anon


 "My elderly Bichon, Bolan, has dry eyes that needed constant attention with bathing and drops. I've been using your eye drops for 3 days now and am amazed at the difference! Much less discharge around his eyes, they are brighter and the lubricant effect last much longer. Thank you so much, I only wish I had discovered you sooner. I also have the Magic Gel and will be trying the Glow for myself soon." Jules S


"Tried this product for my cat Nala's sore eyes. She has allergies and they get gunky. After the 2nd use her eyes were much better and I put the drops in as and when needed now." Elena S


"I purchased two bottles of your eye drops for my dog molly she had been suffering with a swollen red eye. I had taken her to the vets and got treatment which did clear it up but it came back. It was suggested to me by her groomer to try your drops. Well what can I say? It has cleared it up completely, I can’t than you enough as at least I know I am not putting any harmful chemicals in her eye, and let’s face it, this is proof that it does work so thank you so much and keep up the good work." B Robinson


"My Working cocker spaniel had really bad eyes, red and gunk one morning. Several squirts of this over the day and it was already significantly better by the evening. Completely cleared in 2 days! Can't recommend this highly enough! SO much better than a trip to the vet on many counts!!" Chelsea H
